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The intent of this document, "Architectural Design Controls," assures the Bristol Harbour Village Board of Directors and residents that detail standards of architectural design, quality, and continuity, are hereby established and will be maintained. This intent consequently protects property value and enhances the community environment.

The document pertains to construction of residential, commercial, or recreational structures, and to exterior alterations or additions to existing structures.

This document, will, from time to time, be revised and expanded as the need arises.


Basic control for establishing and maintaining the type and quality of architectural design in Bristol Harbour Village is governed by certain provisions of the "BRISTOL HARBOUR VILLAGE ASSOCIATION INC. OFFERING STATEMENT," dated 02 July 71. (See article VIII, page A23 of the statement.)

The offering statement establishes an "Environmental Committee" which is charged to adopt or promulgate any rule or regulation, or to make any finding, determinations, ruling, or order, or to issue any permit, authorization pursuant to directives or authorizations contained in the offering statement.

Therefore, it is required that prior to construction of original structures or exterior alterations and additions to existing structures, an application for architectural design approval must be submitted to the Environmental Committee, along with pertinent data such as lot plan, floor plan, elevations, line of sight perspective rendering, architectural renderings, bills of materials, etc.

The Environmental Committee will review the submitted data and , within sixty (60) days of acknowledgement of data received, render a decision as to design approval. It is important to understand that each application is reviewed on an individual basis. There are no "automatic approvals." For example, a resident wishing to construct a deck identical to one already approved for another resident is still required to submit his own design approval request.


The Environmental Committee evaluates each application on its individual merits. In addition to evaluating the particular design proposal, the committee considers the characteristics of the architecture and the individual site, since what may be acceptable design in one instance may not be appropriate for another. For example, exterior alterations to townhouses, due to their relative proximity to each other, usually are more noticeable and carry more of an impact on adjoining properties than similar changes to detached structures.

Decisions rendered by the Environmental Committee in reviewing applications are not based on the committee’s personal opinion or taste. Acceptable design is based on the following criteria which represent in somewhat more detailed and specific language the provisions stipulated by the aforementioned, governing, "Bristol Harbour Village Association Inc. Offering Statement."

*Conformance to Offering Statement

All applications and submitted data are reviewed to insure that the proposed design is in conformance to the environmental controls and covenants set forth in the Offering Statement.

*Validity of Concept

The design must be sound, appropriate, and in harmony with the surroundings in which it will be established.

*Design Compatibility

The proposed design must be compatible with the architectural characteristics of existing adjoining structures and neighborhood setting. Compatibility is regarded as similarity in architectural style, similar use of materials, color, and construction details.

*Relation to "Open Space" Concept

The committee will consider such factors as removal of trees, disruption of natural topography, changes in rate of storm water run off, and fencing, all of which can be detrimental to maintaining "Open Space."


The proposed size of structures and alterations (in three dimensions; height, width, depth) must relate well to adjacent structures and surroundings. For example, a large addition to a small house would be inappropriate.


Continuity must be maintained by use of same, similar, or compatible materials as were used in applicant’s structure, and adjoining established structures.


Again, color continuity must be maintained by use of same or similar paint, stain, plaster, or weathering type wood.


The quality of workmanship must be equal to or exceed that of existing structures and surroundings. Poor workmanship can cause safety hazards. The Environmental Committee, although granting design approval, assumed no responsibility whatsoever for the safety requirements of the intended construction by virtue of design and workmanship.


The Committee assumes that the majority of construction, alterations, or additions will be performed by contractors, or developers rather than residents themselves. Projects which remain uncompleted for long periods of time are visually objectionable and can become a nuisance and safety hazard for neighbors and the community. All applications, therefore, require and estimated completion date. If such interim period is considered too great, the committee cay disapprove the application. Approved projects remaining uncompleted far beyond the estimated completion date will bring formal intervention by the Environmental Committee, with possible grievance procedures relegated upward to the Board of Directors.


The Environmental Committee being empowered to do so can, at reasonable times, enter upon and inspect construction in progress and at completion for conformance to all the above listed criteria. Conformance to offering statement, validity of concept, design compatibility, open space concept, scale, materials, color, workmanship, and interim completion.

Upon acceptable and conforming completion of a project, the Environmental Committee will issue a certificate of compliance. (See article VIII, sec. 8.05 of the Offering Statement.)


Architectural design approval application forms can be obtained from the Managing Agent, offices at the Administration Building. The completed form, along with all pertinent data, must be returned to the Managing Agent who will in turn forward the entire package to the Environmental Committee for its review.

Note: Written consent from neighbors and other residents regarding the application may be submitted along with the required data. The committee will consider these consentions during the review process. However, the committee is still, and will always be, embounded to base its decision on the provisions of the Offering Statement and this document.


In order to assist the applicant, the Environmental Committee can provide the following documents and references:

    1. The committee possesses a document, "Design of Architectural Exterior Alterations and Additions." The document outlines in detail acceptable design of many exterior items such as fences, decks, storage sheds, etc. Copies can be obtained from the Managing Agent at a cost of $5.00.
    2. The committee can provide, on a loan basis, the following engineering handbooks:
      1. "Architect’s and Builder’s Handbook," by Kidder and Parker. Eighteenth edition, 1946.
      2. "Structural Engineers Handbook" by Ketchum. Third edition, 1924.
      3. "Concrete Engineer’s Handbook" by Hool and Johnson. Twenty first edition, 1945.
      4. "Mechanical Engineers Handbook" by Marks. Fourth edition, 1946.
    3. The "Zoning Ordinance" for the town of South Bristol, formulated in 1969 and revised in 1980, can be purchased or perused at the Town Offices on Route 64, Bristol Center. Limited copies are also available for purchase from the Managing Agent.
    4. New York State Building Code. This document can be obtained at the South Bristol Town Offices on Route 64, Bristol Center.
    5. "Bristol Harbour Village Association Offering Statement" dated 02 July 71. This document is issued to each owner prior to or at "real estate closing."


Obviously, it would be extremely difficult to compile and publish all the facets and details of architectural design and construction into one huge document. Therefore, this document attempts to highlight those regulatory requirements of the Offering Statement and also provide a few reference documents to assist the applicant.

It must now be kept in mind that most projects will also require Town of South Bristol review and approval. Town authorities must be contacted prior to beginning on site work in order for the applicant to be aware of what town procedures must be followed, and if building permits may be required. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain all town approvals and permits.


Possession of town approval and permits does not preclude the need for Bristol Harbour Village Environmental Committee architectural design approval!